My Work

Global Logic

Senior Software Engineer

Project: Hyland (formerly Nuxeo, before the company acquisition)

Provides enterprise content services and management to organizations across the globe.

  • Nuxeo Security Operation Center

    2021 - 2022

    Developed the Nuxeo SOC, an administration web application to enhance security and operational efficiency for our Nuxeo project and AWS services. It centralizes data collection, analysis, and visualization, with key features like APIs for fetching and processing log data from S3, displayed seamlessly on an interactive dashboard.

    Node JSExpress JSReact JSReduxTypeScriptJavaScriptAWS S3
  • Nuxeo Enterprise Document Management System

    2022 - 2023

    Built key features such as automateddocument retention policies, a user-friendly Document Explorer for enhanced accessibility and search functionality andworkflow automationto streamline business processes. Additionally, I implemented efficient CI/CD pipelines to support development workflows.

    React JSReduxTypeScriptJavaScript
  • Nuxeo Admin Console


    Built anadministration web applicationthat provides administrative services, such as server and application usage summary information, as well as access to upgrades, patches, theNuxeo MarketplaceandNuxeo Studioprojects.

    Next JSReact JSReduxTypeScriptJavaScript


Junior Software Engineer


Logistics & Supply Chain Platform: Shipping & Customs AI

2021(6 months)
  • Developed and enhanced an AI/ML-driven customs clearance and drayage management platform.
  • Developed critical components like Invoice & operation management, infinite scrollable tables and forms using React Js & Redux.
  • Collaborated with designers to implement visually appealing and technically sound designs, adhering to the Semantic UI design system.
React JSReduxTypeScriptJavaScript